Part 3 - "Be Your Own Doc!" Self-Healing Strategies for Everyday Living
12 Essential Self-Diagnosis Questions I use the following twelve questions for client evaluations. I believe they can offer tremendous...

Part 2 - "Be Your Own Doc!" Self-Healing Strategies for Everyday Living
Levels of Self-Care There are three general categories of Self-Care that are all based on controlling our health: Identifying your...

Be Your Own Doctor!
Self-Healing Strategies for Everyday Living Being your own doctor means to develop a confident self-monitoring ability that keeps you...

10 Surefire Ways to Sabotage (or Realize) Your Personal Growth Goals
There is a profound magic in the setting and accomplishing of goals. Goals offer us a more focused direction and purpose for engaging...

The Five Textures
Textures enhance a sense of variety in our nourishment by impacting the look and taste of food, as well as the way it feels in your mouth.

The Five Tastes
The Five Tastes are not a Doo Wop group! They are taste sensations that can be categorized into five basic tastes of: sweet, sour, salty,...

Stevie Wonder's Blind Waiter
"One may have good eyes and see nothing." – Italian Proverb In my late teenage years, during the early 70s, I worked as a waiter in a...

Twelve Ways to Naturally Promote Detoxification - Part II
There can also be great value in more strenuous detoxing, such as colonic therapy, fasting, coffee enemas, massage, etc., but they should be

DETOX! (Minus the Drama) - Part I
There are many theories about detoxing, and some of them can sound rather sensational with false assumptions that we can "cleanse" our body

Awe and Wonder
It is characteristically human to respond with wonder and awe to any number of extreme realties that grace our lives, from the beauty and ha