Praise for Macrobiotics for Dummies

“Macrobiotics for Dummies is an extremely well written & important book. It should be made a required read in "ALL SCHOOLS" at an early age. It would radically improve our healthcare MESS! A class undertaking Verne! Keep up the great work that you are accomplishing and the many sacrifices that are required.”
Don Porter, CEO and Author
"I have been reading an amazing book called Macrobiotics for Dummies by Verne Varona and thought it was full of wonderful and helpful information about health, nutrition, macrobiotics and general wellbeing. I loved it and bought copies for friends too. I would certainly recommend it to anyone who is interested in getting healthier and want to enjoy a better quality of life. Verne is a wonderful writer and puts everything across in an easy way which makes it enjoyable to read and is entertaining too. So pleased, I bought it and am sure it will inspire so many people to change the way they think about their health."
Julie Silver, Nutritionist and Author: Food Awakening: Nutrition for Now - Manchester, UK
"This is not just a book it's an encyclopedia!! With Verne's excellent guidance my life has been transformed! You will experience what I mean when you get this book. If I can do it anyone can, and now in this "Dummies" book format it is so easy, Verne hasn't skipped a beat. It's ALL there! The recipes are very delicious and extremely satisfying. Already in my first week with the book I feel a few extra pounds melting away and increased energy. Verne's, Macrobiotics for Dummies is the definitive guide for anyone who wants to have energy, be happy, be disease free, be your perfect weight and enjoy fabulous food at the same time. Thank you Verne!!!"
Donna Vail, Author/Seminar Leader - Texas
"Macrobiotics for Dummies is a clear and concise document that lays out the principles of macrobiotics. Anyone interested in diet and general health who is not familiar with macrobiotics will gain practical knowledge and advice from this publication, and those already exposed to these principles will find it to be an inspiring 21st century update. The tips given throughout the book are easy to remember and following these principles does not require spending lots of money at the market. In fact, it may reduce your grocery bills! In an age where cancer rates are high, heart disease is still a threat, people are subject to attacks from various flu’s and colds, as medical costs continue to rise, this book gives sound advice to help control obesity and maintain the immune system, along with making a case for the favorable impact to the environment that is possible with increased adherence to macrobiotic principles."
Gus Lakis, Banker - Dallas, Texas
"A great guide! Not only was Macrobiotics for Dummies extremely informative, but the Kindle formatting was the best I've seen yet."
Richard C. Dean (Amazon.com)
"The book, Macrobiotics for Dummies, by Verne Varona, is the most user friendly health book on the market right now. There is a glut of books about macrobiotics and how to treat all of our health ills, but the thing that distinguishes this gem is the way it is written by Mr. Varona so that the reader can understand the information and immediately put it to use. The author's warmth and humor shines through every page and the reader feels like a friend is sharing his 40 years of macro experience with you, personally. Additionally, this book addresses more than nutritional needs. It details how one can change ALL aspects of life, including emotional, spiritual and nutritional perspectives while encouraging us to find meaning in our lives. If you want to make a profound shift in your attitudes, even if you are not macrobiotic, treat yourself to Macrobiotics for Dummies and your life will never be the same!"
Susan Beram – CEO & Chef, Maryland